. Rest your legs to feel better. Pain medications: Aspirin, ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin), or naproxen (Aleve) can help relieve pain and inflammation.  So, if you perform a calf raise with the knee straight, the gastrocnemius is providing greater contribution to this movement. Grade 1 calf strain: The muscle stretch causes small micro-tears in the muscle fibers. Nerves can be damaged from high blood sugar levels. It happens when your muscles are tired or dehydrated. "Famous" Physical Therapists Bob Schrupp and Brad Heineck present the absolute best self-treatment one can do for a calf tear, strain, or pain. Grade 2 calf muscle injury. Overuse of the Achilles tendon usually manifests itself as a sharp pain in the affected area, accompanied by a burning sensation along the calf muscles. Once it feels a little better, do some stretches. Unless otherwise instructed by your doctor, you can take acetaminophen or ibuprofen for pain relief. Calf problems - Muscle, bone and joint injuries | NHS inform Calf pain is a common problem among athletes, especially runners or any sports that involve jumping, or stop and go.  It occurs in varying degrees of pain and recovery time.  For some, the calf tension affects them when they start to run but goes away during the run, or the tension turns into excruciating pain after a certain distance and they have to stop. Ice packs and heat pads are among the most commonly used treatments for muscle or tendon-related sources of calf pain. Treatment methods for calf pain vary depending on the cause, but most causes can be addressed at home. How it helps arthritis, migraines, and dental pain. Initially, you might get relief from a cold pack placed on the painful area for up to 20 minutes several times a day. is a common complication of diabetes.  In contrast, another thought is to wear more of a minimalist/neutral shoe so that our body adapts to functional movements.  By allowing our body’s neuromuscular system to achieve efficient control of the intrinsic and extrinsic foot muscles, we can be less dependent on the typical modern running shoes with a heel drop of 12mm.  In my professional opinion, supportive running shoes are appropriate for beginner athletes/runners or people with major structural deformities.  However, for the advance athlete/runners without impairments, I encourage allowing our body to utilize it’s neuromuscular system to adapt itself to the environment.Â, Also, wearing high heels daily contributes to tight calf muscles.Â, This topic can be a book in itself.  Most of us run however feels natural to us.  However, our body is not the same as we were in grade school, especially due to sitting too much.  Many people suffer calf pain and strain due to poor running form.  As mentioned above, the modern shoe facilitates a heel strike with the rest of the body behind the foot.  Fortunately, more and more shoe companies have introduced lower heel to toe drop shoes which promote landing on the mid and forefoot rather than the heel.  This is a good start.  However, many people suffer from increased calf pain, Achilles tendonitis, and metatarsalgia (forefoot pain) when they switch shoes because they are still running the same way except now, there’s more load of the calf muscles.  Most do a good job making contact with the forefoot or mid food when they make initial contact.  However, the rest of the body is still far back when the foot lands on the ground, causing increased stress and load onto their calf muscles.  Furthermore, they are still used to pushing off with the toes causing increased stride length, which leads to more strain on the Achillies tendon and calf muscles.Â, Most likely, if you are a high level athlete, these transitional symptoms won’t occur at all or they will occur later down the road when the volume increases with incorrect form.   However, I highly recommend that new runners work with a running specialist to re-learn how to run correctly.Â, Muscle strains are often the result of pulled or torn muscle fibers.  There are grades of muscle tear that range from Grade 1, being minor to Grade 3, being very severe.  The recover time range from 1 to 2 weeks to well over 6 months for severe cases.Â. Treatment for pain in the back of the knee will vary greatly depending on the cause. Try not to do anything that makes your leg hurt more. Try support stockings to relieve the pain. It can cause pain in both of your legs along with numbness and less sensation in the lower legs. If you think you might have a blood clot, go to your doctor or emergency room right away. There are many reasons you can develop calf pain. Rest is often the cure for other pains of the leg, but not this one. Any treatment options? Posted by Jesse Flores on May 27, 2019. Symptoms that never occur with repetitive strain injury of the calf: recent calf injury, severe calf pain. Varicose veins If there is a calf muscle injury, then usually a combination of strengthening and stretching exercises alongside a course of physical therapy will be recommended - check out the calf muscle tear treatment article to find out everything you need to know. Baker’s Cyst. You're more likely to get this condition if you have diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, or you smoke or are obese. Venous insufficiency can be managed though may worsen if you sit or stand up for a long period of time. Medications, support stockings, and weight loss are types of treatments to help you avoid getting clots. Keep back leg slightly bent and heel flat on floor.  Lean into wall until stretch is felt in the lower calf.  Hold for 30 seconds and repeat 3 times. Â, Keep back leg straight and heel flat on floor.  Lean into wall until stretch is felt in the lower calf.  Hold for 30 seconds and repeat 3 times. Â, Calf strain injuries occur often in middle-aged athletes and weekend warriors.  Luckily, most symptoms of calf strain settle down quickly with proper treatment.  Complete healing of a calf muscle injury can take several months, but the vast majority of people are able to return to most activities much sooner.  Premature return to sports can result in re-current calf strain. Â. If your pain feels severe, your Achilles tendon may be torn. It's a misconception that the calves assist in propelling the body forward at toe off during the running stride. Try the RICE treatment: rest, ice, compression, and elevation. Practice calf stretches. The pain from this injury is sharp, often feels like a cramp deep within the calf muscle. Urgency: Self-treatment. If you have symptoms of severe calf strain, you should be evaluated for proper treatment.  These signs include: Severe calf strains should be evaluated because early because in some very rare situations of complete muscle rupture, surgery may be necessary to reattach the torn muscles.  This is rarely needed, even in patients with Grade III calf strain injuries, as these patients can usually undergo successful nonoperative treatment.  If the hip musculature is tight, the calf muscles may have to compensate and be under more load/stress.  The most common and important muscle called the iliopsoas is often tight among people that sit often for work.  This results in weak gluts and lack of hip extension, which leads to increased load on calf muscles for propulsion.  To learn more about this negative cascading effect, click on this link. Â, Would you ever consider driving a car with Nascar tires in the winter in Minnesota?  Same principle applies for wearing the correct footwear for your body. How is calf pain treated? Early and accurate diagnosis is appropriate to treat calf strain without delay.  Premature return results in prolonged recovery and re-current calf strains.  Acute treatment of calf strain consists of muscle rest, ice, heat after 48 hours, heel wedge, and wrap.  After the acute state, rehabilitation can consist of: If you are unsure if you have a calf strain or the symptoms do not quickly resolve, you should seek medical care immediately. Same principle applies for eliciting pain and flexibility of the calf muscles.  When the ankle is passively dorsiflexed (toes pointed up) with knee straight, the gastrocnemius is placed in the most taut position to be stretched.  Whereas if the knee is bent, the soleus is being stretched.  Using this technique determines the site of injury and applies to stretching and strengthening. Calf pain can be caused by any of the muscles, tendons or joints, so let’s look at the different types of structures in your calf: Gradually increase movement over time. The gastrocnemius has two "heads," which make up the meatier upper part of the calf, while the soleus is the more slender lower part of the muscle. You would have pain, but you can usually continue the activity. The calf consists of two muscles: the gastrocnemius and the soleus. Calf Muscle Pain Treatment The doctor will determine whether the underlying cause of the calf pain was the result of an injury or health condition to properly treat it. Stretch your legs properly before you exercise, too. ", American Heart Association: "Symptoms and Diagnosis of PAD. Acute treatment of calf strain consists of muscle rest, ice, heat after 48 hours, heel wedge, and wrap. Full recovery takes approximately two weeks. The best calf pain treatment will depend on the underlying cause of the pain. And don't run on hard surfaces if possible. You may need a cast or brace. Medical treatments can help if your doctor says you have a condition like leg cramps, blood clots, or issues with the nerves. Restless legs syndrome (rls) Restless leg syndrome (RLS) is a chronic condition characterized by uncomfortable sensations while lying down and a strong urge to move the legs. You shouldn’t have to be in pain, though. Using ice and heat treatment for calf pain running injures often proves beneficial. A calf strain is a tear in either the gastrocnemius muscle or the soleus muscle which together make up the calf muscle group. Your doctor may inject medicine into the inflamed area. A torn calf muscle is probably the most common cause of sudden onset pain at the back of the lower leg. Muscle cramp. Early calf muscle tear treatment helps to speed up healing and reduce the risk of further injuries. Rhus Tox – Top Grade Medicine for Calf Pain Rhus Tox leads the chart of homeopathic medicines for treating cases of calf pain. Go slow as you gradually increase your strength and put weight on the injured leg. The muscles and flesh along the edge of the shin bone become inflamed, so it hurts to walk, run, or jump. After the initial acute period active rest, massage and exercises are important. In its advanced stages, this condition may become life-threatening, such that it might necessitate emergency intervention. Most deep-vein blood clots happen in the lower leg or thigh. 5 Among the symptoms that indicate the early stages of claudication are pain in the calf, thigh, and buttock. Treatment may involve resting for a few days, along with taking anti-inflammatories and pain medications. For calf pain caused by overuse or mild-to-moderate trauma, here are a … If so, it could block blood flow. 2  Depending on your situation, one may be better to use than the other. Minor Calf Pain And Soreness Treatment. Physical therapy and stretching exercises are often useful. Most calf strains are found in the medial head of the gastrocnemius. This is a serious condition called pulmonary embolism. Tight calf muscles by themselves can be painful, but they may also be symptomatic of weakness elsewhere in the leg. When your arteries narrow or become blocked, your legs miss out on the blood flow they need. Also, wounds may not heal well. These two tests along with palpation and clinical history can help to distinguish between the two muscles. It might stick around for a long time, too. Calf Pain - Causes & Treatment. calf pain can also occur without involving the calf muscles – for example, acute or chronic overuse of the Achilles tendon or an Achilles tendon rupture. If you  you have calf pain, how do you know which muscle is injured or strained?  Based on the anatomy discussed earlier, when the knee is bent, the soleus becomes the major muscle when resisting plantarflexion.  Meaning, if you do a calf raise with the knee bend, the soleus is the primary muscle working. Ice the area for 20 minutes, using a covered icepack or bag of frozen peas. Say you twist your ankle and get a mild sprain. Doing activity over and over on hard surfaces can bring this on. You might be familiar with these, because you can see them at the surface of the skin. Calf Pain Treatment. Or take anti-inflammatories if your doctor says they're okay for you. You should use ice treatment if you're experiencing acute injuries with swelling and pain. Calf strain treatment Immediate first aid is to apply the Apply the P.R.I.C.E. This is a serious injury that will continually re-surfance unless you follow a very persistent treatment regimen. It’s a common injury that makes the tendon swell, stretch, or tear. Apply ice to get some relief. You might want to see your doctor if the pain stays. © 2005 - 2019 WebMD LLC. Shin splints. Drink more water if you're prone to leg cramps. You may also need physical therapy. And throughout the day, switch between standing and sitting. It is also … It is among the best medicines to treat muscle pain that follows over use, putting over strain or over stress on the muscles. Merck Manuals Online Medical Library: "Lower Leg Injuries. Tendinitis. The treatment for calf pain depends on its cause. The calf muscle consists of 3 muscles:  medial gastrocnemius, lateral gastrocnemius, and the soleus.  All of these muscles unite to form the Achilles tendon which attaches to the calcaneus (heel bone).  Both of the medial and lateral gastrocnemius originates on the femur (thigh bone), where as the soleus originates from the back of the tibia (shin bone).   The major role of the calf muscles is to plantarflex the foot at the ankle joint (pin the foot down).  The gastrocnemius also assists to bend the knee.Â, There are many reasons for calf pain but tight calf muscles tend to be the most common, especially among athletes. If you have a calf strain or Achilles tendonitis, you should first of all use the ‘RICE’ method of treatment: Rest the area. So can anti-inflammatory meds such as aspirin, ibuprofen, and naproxen, if your doctor says these are safe for you. See your doctor about other types of treatment if your varicose veins are very painful. Some people need surgery to improve blood flow to the area. You should only walk short distances that don’t aggravate your pain too much. They may cause a dull ache, especially after standing. Calf muscle pain treatment with three exercises The most important thing to do first is to give you calf muscle a little rest for the first five days. You can also speed up your recovery by massaging the painful calf.  It is a high risk for strains because the muscle crosses two joints (the knee and ankle) and has a high density of fast twitch muscles fibers (TYPE II) which are better for short bursts of speed and power but fatigue faster.  The gastrocnemius muscles are easily susceptable to being overworked as mentioned in the “Causes of Pain” section, thus resulting in a strain.  Tightness can be linked to various other causes.Â, Our body is a kinetic chain. A calf strain, pull, or even a tight calf can change the way your walk, quickly impacting your hamstrings, hips, lower back and even foot. Your doctor may also recommend other treatments or surgery if your pain doesn't get better. Calf pain can come from any of your thigh, calf or shin muscles also your knee and ankle joints. ", Keck School of Medicine of University of Southern California: "Leg Pain and Lower Extremity Arterial Disease. Resting helps. If you are currently suffering from calf pain and want help immediately or have any questions, simply email us at info@fpphysicaltherapy.com.  Alternatively, you can get in touch with us by visiting www.fpphysicaltherapy.com or calling 610-822-1072. They're more likely to happen if you're inactive for long periods, like on a long flight or car ride. Blood clot Calf pain isn't fun, in bed or out walking or working out. Take over-the-counter pain medications. Mild muscle strains respond well to some light stretching because it relieves muscle tension and promotes blood flow. Stretching helps the scar tissue remodel and become more flexible. Although resting for a day or so may provide some relief, prolonged inactivity will make your signs and symptoms worse.Other self-care treatments that might help include: 1. Following the inflammatory phase of a muscle strain injury, some scar tissue forms, which is not as flexible as muscle fiber. Ice helps. You can feel this pain right up the front of your calf. All rights reserved. A partial tear of the calf muscle results in a moderate, or grade 2 calf muscle injury. You can get it from overworking the calf muscle or climbing the stairs. Cold and heat can help with some symptoms. principles of protection rest, ice, compression and elevation as soon as possible. On the other hand, the soleus is considered low risk for injury because it only crosses one joint and is comprised mostly of slow twitch muscle fibers (Type I), which are designed to be more efficient in endurance activities.Â. Lack of flexibility and muscle imbalance throughout the body, Wearing a boot for moderate to severe strain, Gentle active range of motion of the ankle, Passive and active intermuscular and fascia release, Isometric strengthening progressing to eccentric strengthening and dynamic training. Grade 2 calf strain: There is a partial tear of the affected muscle fibers, so you can't continue the activity. For most people, sciatica responds to self-care measures. In addition to avoiding the causes listed above, stretch and foam rolling are easy ways to prevent calf stain and pain. The first step is to have your calf pain evaluated by … Avoid doing anything that causes pain. Grade 3 calf muscle injury. A common cause of a narrowed spinal canal is arthritis of the spine. Cold packs. You might need surgery to repair the damage. The next time out, wear comfortable, supportive shoes. . 2. When it hurts less, stretch and strengthen your leg. For a more severe sprain or a broken bone (fracture), apply ice and see your doctor right away. To treat minor calf pain… Calf Pain Or Calf Muscle Pain Is Caused By Muscle Pull, Tear And Sprain. Sometimes a herniated disc puts pressure on nearby nerve roots, which can lead to symptoms of sciatica, such as: Pain may begin in your back and hip, then later extend down into your leg. They can occur due to nighttime cramps, from a torn or pulled muscle or be a signal of a circulatory problem. ", NHLBI: "How Is Deep Vein Thrombosis Treated? Treatment may involve resting for a few days, along with taking anti-inflammatories and pain medications. It doesn’t help sciatica. Should You Use Ice or Heat? When your blood thickens in a vein and clumps together, it can turn into a clot. Pain will be significant and will cause weakness in the lower leg muscle and make walking difficult. Use an ice pack or a package of frozen peas wrapped in a clean towel. One of the first warning signs you have an inflamed Achilles tendon is pain in your lower calf, near the back of your heel. You can buy them over the counter. For muscle pain such as cramps or general soreness and stiffness, you might find that massage, stretching, drinking plenty of water, painkillers and rest are sufficient to relieve the pain. ", National Diabetes Information Clearinghouse (NDIC): Diabetic Neuropathies: The Nerve Damage of Diabetes.". Smart Grocery Shopping When You Have Diabetes, Surprising Things You Didn't Know About Dogs and Cats, Coronavirus in Context: Interviews With Experts, Sign Up to Receive Our Free Coroanvirus Newsletter, Leg Pain - Lower Leg Pain: Causes and Treatments, 6 Ways to Cause Knee Damage and Ruin Your Knees, Snapping Hip Syndrome: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatments, Burning, cramping leg pain when standing or sitting. People can treat calf pain that is the result of injury or overuse using the PRICE method. Premature return results in prolonged recovery and re-current calf strains. Treatment for calf pain will depend on the underlying cause. This can happen when the arteries in your legs become damaged and hardened. To establish where exactly the calf injury is, can be very helpful at identifying what structure is causing the pain. It will take time, but gradually you'll be able to walk comfortably, again. Serious medical conditions may require prescribed anti-inflammatories, corticosteroids, and antibiotics, as well as chemotherapy, radiation therapy, physical therapy, or possibly surgery. You're also at risk if you're overweight, or you smoke, or take certain medications. Know the Causes, Diagnosis, Investigations, Treatment, PT for Calf Pain or Calf Muscle Pain. This sudden, tight, intense lower leg pain is sometimes called a "charley horse." The lower parts of your legs take the brunt of your day-to-day life. ", NYU Hospital for Joint Diseases Spine Center: "Lumbar Herniated Disc. Cold and heat can help with some symptoms. Narrowed spinal canal (stenosis) and sciatica. One that develops in a vein deep in the body is called deep vein thrombosis (DVT). They appear to be twisted, dark blue or purple veins, and are caused by weak valves and vein walls. We all know the feeling. A pulled calf muscle is the most common cause of calf pain, particularly in runners and sports people.   The most common problem in runners is overpronation.  There are different schools of thought on how to address finding the right running shoes for different foot types.  Basically, one thought is to get supportive shoes to correct the alignment of your foot. Early and accurate diagnosis is appropriate to treat calf strain without delay. Hot packs. Depending on the severity of the calf tear, the injury could take up to 6 weeks to heal. When it takes a grip, it can get worse quickly. Talk to your doctor about medications to control the pain and help manage your blood sugar levels. The calf muscle is located on the back bottom part of the leg. Diabetic neuropathy You may also be more likely to get shin splints if you have flat feet or your feet turn outward.  So, what causes the pain and what can you do to prevent it? One of the best treatment approaches to alleviating nerve pain in the calf is by taking dietary supplements. Further treatments for calf pain If your calf pain worsens or persists, you should consult your physician who may recommend the following. Broken bones or sprains. You wake up in the middle of the night and there it is - a sharp pain shooting up your calf and a vice-like squeezing that makes you want to shake your calf right off your leg. This includes a combination of ice and heat compress, rest and practicing a series of stretches and exercises. It can strike in your legs become damaged and hardened be familiar with these, because you take... Other types of treatment if you have flat feet or your feet turn outward the muscles flesh! Long period of time will vary greatly depending on the muscles and flesh along the edge the! Pain and inflammation your thigh, and dental pain home that help,.. Is not as flexible as muscle fiber become damaged and hardened,,... 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