The location is expressed as a set of geographic coordinates together with information about heading and speed. d) 0.34) Resources mentioned in the manifest file will be downloaded and cached locally for offline access. Width of cement path = 3.5cm Length and width of rectangular field are 13m & 10m respectively. It is equal to the product of the base and the height divided by 2. Definition and Usage The innerWidth property returns the width of a window's content area. Options: Browser support is very good, but not ubiquitous. a) SVG Squares and square shapes are basic, as they are the normal conditions of the web. Options: b) FALSE18) CSS triangles are formed by having height and width of So the area here is 1/4 width times height, which is the exact same area as each of these orange triangles. Approach: The idea is to traverse the given grid and store the count of 1s present in each row and each column in auxiliary arrays row[] and col[] respectively. Tip: Use the outerWidth and outerHeight properties to get the width/height of the browser window. c) Both Basically, what we need, in addition to … Take a look at the below JSFiddle for example: You can see that the borders meet at 45° angles. So the height is, the height, the height is, I'm having trouble with my pen, is six, so now we just have to compute what one half times 18 times six is. d) Coords.altitudeAccuracy27) Cellspacing of HTML, in equivalent to ____ of CSS This interesting behaviour seems to me like something we might be able to use in clever ways to create angular shapes! Options: a) SVG a) , c) Both We can’t define arbitrary shapes using a set of points. With the help of an image, this is a pretty easy task. HTML You can make them with a single div. The b) File Compression a) + Let’s say there are 20 icons,some 10 small images on your webpage. These properties are read-only. c) HTML is built around intentionally ignoring malformed input b) FALSE29) Which WebSocket attribute indicates the connection ready status CSS Triangles and Other Shapes CSS borders come together at an angle at any corner. a) coords.accuracy d) It's just matter of tradition2) From the following give the disadvantages of HTML5? a) Cookies a) border-collapse: collapse; a) All activities are flowing safe path b) ; In geometry, an equilateral triangle is a triangle in which all three sides have the same length. d) Can't be achieved11) Tables can have tables nested Think of a framed picture. d) Novalidate="novalidate"23) Which is best suited for applications with large rendering areas eg: Google maps ? d) Controls21) Hosting multiple applications on the same origin is a security flaw b) FALSE12) CSS3 allows multiple background images for box elements using Options: Arrows for tool tips, Triangles are possible with CSS3 also. Options: In this tutorial, we're going to learn how to use the CSS border property to our advantage to create triangles using CSS! d) No such option is available in CSS28) A mixin with no parameter is more efficient than using extend b) Autobuffer c) Multiple definitions in {} for an element ©2020 C# Corner. Options: All contents are copyright of their authors. Viewport measurements are most logical option, where 100vh is equivalent to 100% screen height, and 100vw for 100% width. b) PERMISSION_DENIED It worked! d) Browsers substitute non-hex digits with zeros25) The location of the device could not be determined, the error code is 2 then what will be the constant? Options: b) type=text and pattern With our left pointing triangle, the border-left property simply isn't necessary and just takes up space. a) HTML cheatseet have certain random strings mapped to colours and it is one of them c) POSITION_UNAVAILABLE b) Socket.statusReady In the following two examples Options: Triangles also play a big part to the general process of creating different shapes using CSS - a six-pointed star can be created using only two triangles, and most complex shapes created using only CSS will utilize triangles in some way. c) Offloading assets This results in a pair of similar triangles being formed. a) Novalidate b) > c) Padding : X px: Introduction to CSS Triangle Generator Every triangle can be formed after joining 3 lines at its endpoints with a certain angle. Or, in our case, a
surrounded by a border: Just like in real life, picture frames (borders) are mitered at the corners. Options: a) TRUE b) Canvas Options: However, if we’re attempting to go a pure CSS route, it takes more time and effort. By comparing the lengths of the two shadows, against the two heights, using similar triangles, we can work out the unknown height of the tree. b) FALSE22) We can disable validation of HTML5 form elements by using It’s pretty easy. Well organized and easy to understand Web building tutorials with lots of examples of how to use HTML, CSS, JavaScript, SQL, PHP, Python, Bootstrap, Java and XML. a) Socket.readyState Nine times six is Apart from traditional method of dividing any given CONVEX quadrilateral into 2 triangles by drawing its one of diagonals , and then using Area Addition Postulate ,in summing up the areas of disjoint triangles , one can The innerHeight property returns the height of a window's content area. I'm having trouble figuring out how I can get the middle triangle to correctly show. Now, for a webpage to render all these icons and images. c) i,ii and iii a) Standard text sizes and direction a) Name, Duration Image 8 of 10 from gallery of Alison Brooks Architects present new buildings for Liverpool. It has to make d) None of the above3) If the opacity of parent element is 0.5 and we want the child opacity to be 0.3 , what is the possible value for opacity for child element? Options: c) Socket.readyStatus The 1st step in solving such triangle problems is to count the number of rows and columns c) Accessibility won't work Demo: Click hereto launch. Options: b) absolutely positioned element b) 0.27 Which options are correct for below HTML5,CSS3 interview questions 1) Tables for layout other than tabular data presentation are not preferred in … Instead, we have to work with HTML elements, which are always rectangular and have two dimensional properties such as top, c) coords d) None of them7) Common challenges faced when designing or developing for multilingual sites are We can also adjust the angles of the triangle by tampering with the different border sizes. Top left facing, top right facing, bottom left facing, and bottom right facing triangles can all be created through usage of only two border sides - either border-top and border-right, or border-bottom and border-left, with one being transparent and the other having a colour. And it makes sense because each of them are exactly 1/4 … c) Novalidation b) False5) CSS selector for previous sibling b) Session storage CSS The idea is a box with zero width and height. The area of a triangle is the total space or region enclosed by a particular triangle. Chris Coyier has a really cool page that lists off a bunch of shapes you can create using only one element (and some pseudo-elements in some of the cases) that you can take a look at here. This method has less CSS code as compare to method one. Options: Here is the code: .triangle { border-color: yellow blue red green; border-style: solid; border-width: 200px 200px 200px 200px; height: 0px; width: 0px; } Your will see a square of 200 pixels by 200 pixels with a solid border. All we need to position the parent image. d) isSocketReady, Formatting JSON for d) None of them16) Which are restrictions active if sandbox attribute is used? Options: Options: b) Well let's think about this a little bit. You need to change the HTML markup so that customers can enter only a valid three-letter country Options: c) Loop c) 0.25 d) None of them24) Chucknorris string produces red colour when entered as background colour in HTML, why? Did you know you can make triangles with pure CSS? Advantage is to lower the number of HTTP request from client to server. I would like to share a trick of solving such questions within seconds. Options: You can see that the borders meet at 45 angles. d) 20) Which Boolean attribute if specified, will allow video automatically seek back to start after reaching at the end. a) Equal values There isn't much going on here except for the canvas element whose id value is myCanvas with a width and height of 500 pixels. d) Multiple background images are not allowed13) CSS3 animations is not showing an effect because ___ or ___ not specified b) Canvas a) Autoplay It is also a … To display good on mobile, We set width 100% and height auto..parent-img{ position: relative; } .parent-img-responsive{ width CSS triangles can be created with pseudo-elements; this is the perfect case for tooltips. a) TRUE Options: d) CDN Hosting15) Which is the permanent and website-specific storage in the following Options: Leaving the border-top coloured should create a down facing triangle, leaving the border-bottom coloured should create an up facing triangle, leaving the border-left coloured should create a right facing triangle, and leaving the border-right coloured should create a left facing triangle. iii) New form input types and attributes that will ( and in Opera's case, do) take the hassle out of scripting forms. Options: This interesting behaviour seems to me like something we might be able to use in clever ways to create angular shapes! Options: a) File Concatenation a) Code. Longitude Options: Math On the Spot B A C 12 cm 16 cm 8 cm 103 48 29 K C x y L 56 cm J 28 cm 12 cm cm 103 29 ESSENTIAL QUESTION Finding Unknown Measures in Similar Triangles When you measure the height … d) TIMEOUT26) In location property what specifies the geographic locations of the device. Options: Triangle pseudo-elements are often used to create cool-looking 3D banner effects, the diagonal-facing triangles are often used for "paper fold back" effects, and in general triangles are super useful for design features. Making the width much For some cases; it would be wise to use the images for arrow heads. Include a width and stature and you have the cautious size Area of Triangle – Explanation & Examples In this article, we will learn what the area of a triangle is and how to determine the area of different types of triangles. The method that I came up with is surely not innovative, but I thought it was interesting enough to share here. a) 0.15 Now if we take a sensible step from here, we should just be able to set all the border sides that we don't want to display, to the colour of transparent, and the result should be a nice looking triangle! This isn’t obvious when setting a border that’s the same color on all sides or if your border-width is only a few px. In the familiar Euclidean geometry, an equilateral triangle is also equiangular; that is, all three internal angles are also congruent to each other and are each 60°. With CSS transforms this is turned on its head. Go ahead and give an element a border and then colour each border side differently - you'll notice something about the angles at which the borders are drawn at. w3schools .com LOG IN Therefore Area of field = (13 x 10)m 2 = 130m 2 Length of outer rectangle = 13 + 3.5 + 3.5 = 20m & width of outer rectangle2 2 a) i and ii a) float c) All plugins are disabled Recently, I wanted to add a little bit of character to a simple text container and decided to try folding over one of the corners. One of the coolest things about this method of creating triangles using CSS is that it can be done using only one element, so we could make a triangle from a pseudo-element if we wanted to! I learnt this trick in a special aptitude class during my summer training. One half times 18 is nine. b) 0 I won't be going much into this as the results often won't render well in some browsers, but you might want to play around with it in your own time. For this reason, removing the unnecessary property for each triangle will avoid un-necessary padding and properties. b) Changing the design needs change of HTML code It is basically a square surrounded by a border. CSS is fit for making a wide scope of shapes and JavaScript gives life to them. b) Border-spacing :X px; b) None of the above14) Preferred methods of optimising a website assets Now that we got this boring stuff out of the I still cant get my mind wrapped around containers, - 9871046 Options: d) table element10) Number pad with a back button for text field can be achieved by a) True for a whole bunch of different purposes. Options: b) Font colours There is however at current a small problem with this technique of creating triangles, which is that in every triangle, one border property messes with it a bit. c) Local storage d) Markup origin is hidden17) When table-width=100%, the navigator leaves room for a scrollbar on the right, even If the document does not require scrolling b) Invalidate Options: With this in mind - we can go ahead and create classes for each four triangles: This can be shown to be functioning properly in the JSFiddle below: Brilliant, so we can create triangles using these classes which make use of a trick with borders! c) Through the use of this behaviour, I have created four classes for these different kinds of triangles, all of which can be seen below: We can use all of these triangles which we can now create (all 8 of them, and that's excluding angle modifications!) Vh a) ondblClick c) inline-block element To do this, join the points with a line, find the midpoint between the two points, and construct a perpendicular to that line How do CSS3 triangles work? Which HTML should you use? Options: To find a “fold” between two points, simply construct the perpendicular bisector between the points. So before we jump in and go straight to the code - let's learn a little bit about how CSS borders are drawn. c) ! Options: b) coords. a) type=telephone c) App executable size ii) Additional semantics of new elements like ,, and No need go with the image approach all the time. The triangle - a beautiful three sided polygon. It is inside this canvas element we will draw our triangle. Then for each cell in the grid arr[][], if arr[i][j] is 1, then the total number of right-angled triangles formed can be calculated by (row[i] – 1)*(col[j] – 1) for each cell. Which options are correct for below HTML5,CSS3 interview questions1) Tables for layout other than tabular data presentation are not preferred in HTML because If you don't understand why this would be - look at the four triangles we created earlier again and how they are formed by borders. d) Unicode encoding of special characters8) Which of the following triggers on a mouse double-click b) ii and iii You just make a block level element with zero width and height, a colored border on one side, and transparent borders on the two adjacent sides. It's nice to have classes for each direction possibility. c) type=number and pattern b) Links are prevented from targeting other browsing contexts d) Height lesser than width19) You are developing a customer web form that indicates the following HTML _______ my nav menu use to work fine with floats but I'm having a hard time centering it which doesn't work. If we use the same example but bring the width and height down to 0, the border segments should actually create four triangles … Other kinds of triangles can also be created by combining different border sides. Here's That is, the four edges of the frame meet each other at an angle : b) Chucknorris leaves blood-red backgrounds where ever he goes, including websoies However, there’s a couple of caveats with vh and vw. The sum of 3 angles in a triangle must be 180 degrees. In order to understand how a CSS3 triangle works, it may be easier to look at it through a CSS3 square with different colored borders. Avoid mixing min-width and max-width media queries. Options: I'm using vw and flexbox to get equal height triangles and get this to take up the full width of hte page. i) Cleaner markup Breakpoints Working with build tools that utilize Sass or PostCSS processing, we can take advantages of reusability and avoid having an unmaintainable number of breakpoints. CSS Triangles with :before and :after The CSS examples above uses true elements but what if you don't want to add single triangles? a) TRUE c) Height greater than width Solved: Hello - Ive recently completed a website, however I have some white space I'd like to get rid of. a) Caching of the layout won't work d) None of them6) Which is preferred method for drawing like animation and games b) onDoubleClick9) Use_______ for making div not larger than its contents a) TRUE a) UNKOWN_ERROR Triangles and get this to take up the full width of hte page triangle which... At its endpoints with a certain angle combining different border sides jump in and straight... Formed after joining 3 lines at its endpoints with a certain angle the middle to. To our advantage to create angular shapes path = 3.5cm length and width of hte page might be able use... To CSS triangle Generator Every triangle can be formed after joining 3 lines at its endpoints with a angle! 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Canvas element we will draw our triangle width much this method has less CSS code as compare method!

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