Evergreen Trees: Everything You Ever Wanted to Know. The pale brown 4-inch (10-cm) long cones contrast well with the silvery-blue foliage. Comments: This is an iconic tree of the west coast, found growing among the dry ponderosa pines of the eastern Cascade slopes and many other drier mountain areas. Most spruce trees are easy to grow because they are tolerant of a wide range of growing conditions. They are particularly valuable in winter, providing a green highlight when most other plants have died back or are reduced to bare stems. The trees will be fine and you will get faster (or instant, depending on the size of the tree) privacy! They adapt well to a range of soil types, including dry soils and poor soils, though they perform best in well-draining soils that are slightly acidic and kept evenly moist. In botany, an evergreen tree type or plant is a plant that has leaves in all seasons. A new layer of bark is produced internally each year, and the outermost layer gets shed. As its common name suggests, these pine trees are identified by their unique black bark. Ideally, cedar trees will be grown in a well-draining soil that is kept evenly moist, in a position of full sun. Pinyon pine trees are well-suited evergreens for landscaping as they are slow-growing and can create shrub borders or specimen trees. A large leaf example would be the Southern Magnolia. The outer layer may fall off in chunks or peel away in ribbons, depending on the species of tree. To really make a statement with a spectacular landscape tree, choose the ‘Blue Ice’ cypress. Cedar ( Cedrus spp.) They will tolerate drought but prefer evenly moist soil. Many evergreens also have fragrant foliage or scented blooms, while others can produce edible fruits. Citrus plants are a range of evergreen trees and shrubs that are native to Australia and Asia, though they have been cultivated around the Meditteranean region since ancient times and are now a common part of the landscape. Thuja Emerald Green is a common evergreen tree in many gardens. To tell the difference by looking at cones growing on the tree, fir tree cones stand erect on the branches but pine and spruce cones droop down. Cedar trees can reach great heights of up to 160 feet, though they are most commonly found at mature heights of between 80 and 100 feet. As with most evergreen junipers, this the eastern red cedar has small black berry-like cones. Another favorite for landscaped areas is the Arizona cypress. Looking at pictures of this spruce specimen, you can recognize it by the distinct blue color of the leaves and foliage. Depending on your landscape requirements, you can also choose dwarf evergreen trees. Cultivars and Varieties: Jack Pine-Pinus banksiana, Shore Pine-Pinus contorta, Japanese Red Pine-Pinus densiflora, Limber Pine-Pinus flexilis, Sugar Pine-Pinus lambertiana, Longleaf Pine-Pinus palustris, Eastern White Pine-Pinus strobus. They are heat tolerant and prefer a full sun position, but they cannot grow in cold regions. Leyland cypress is a fast growing evergreen tree. Fraser firs are great additions to ornamental gardens due to their soft green needles, narrow pyramid shape, and low maintenance. Pine trees are widely cultivated for their timber. We even offer extravagant deciduous and fruit trees as well as shrubs and topiary to … These are cold hardy pine trees that grow well in full sun and acidic soil. They prefer a well-draining soil that is kept moist, but they are drought tolerant when mature. This contrasts with deciduous tree type or plants, which completely lose their foliage during the winter or dry season.. Needle Leaf - these are more common. Energy Requirements Another apparent difference is that evergreen trees require higher amounts of nutrients for survival compared to deciduous trees, especially during bad weather conditions. The specimen tree can be pruned and shaped or you can create a stunning privacy screen or windbreak. Scots pines are used as Christmas trees due to their scent and needle retention. As you can see from these diverse examples, evergreen trees come in an assortment of shapes and sizes. There are some strange anomalies. They thrive in full sun, warm temperatures, and consistently moist soil. Spruce trees typically have a tall and slender conical or cylindrical shape. These trees are the giant sequoias or redwood trees. It’s also one of the best trees for privacy. These are followed by woody fruits. Large specimens can grow to between 66 and 115 ft. (30 – 60 m) and have dark green sharp needles, egg-shaped brown cones, and flaky bark that is orange-red towards the top of the tree. In the United States, evergreen trees such as Douglas and Fraser Firs are popularly used as Christmas trees. Leyland cypresses can grow around 3 ft. (1 m) per year. Gum trees produce fluffy-looking flowers that can be red, pink, yellow, or white. Spruce trees also represent one of the most important types of trees grown for use as pulp. There are over 120 species of pine trees, and the climates they can grow in vary greatly. For the adventurous gardener, thujas are easy to shape into ornate forms. However, pruning and shearing can control growth and help to form attractive soft hedges. ‘False’ cedar trees include the Bermuda Cedar and Mountain Cedar, which are actually both types of Juniper. Learn more. These trees carry leaves all year round and are a bold, permanent presence in a garden. Conifers thrive in cooler climates, and the northern United States and Canada are home to several coniferous forests. Tropical soil is characteristically low in nutrients, and evergreen trees are well-suited to … Scots pines are slow-growing landscape trees that grow to 114 ft. (35 m) and have attractive blue-green foliage that becomes silvery-blue in the winter. EVERGREEN TREE TYPES. Citrus trees that are grown in alkaline soil develop a deficiency that causes their leaves to turn yellow and fall from the tree. It is not one of the true types of cedar trees. The ‘Emerald Green’ thuja is a dwarf variety that doesn’t grow too tall. 9 Different Indoor Tropical Plants - Growing Guides & Photos. Needles are green and flat with scales and measure up to 0.2” (0.5 cm) long. Example of Malus Tree. They are popular trees that are cultivated in temperate climates around the world for their ornamental value. They also will only bloom in climates that experience hot summers and cool, wet winters. Cultivars and Varieties: Mountain Gum-Eucalyptus dalrympleana, Rainbow Gum-Eucalyptus deglupta, Cider Gum-Eucalyptus gunnii, Snow Gum-Eucalyptus pauciflora, Spinning Gum-Eucalyptus perriniana. These trees grow easily with very minimal maintenance. In particular, Noble Firs, Balsam Firs, and Fraser Firs are popular as Christmas trees because they have attractively scented needle-foliage that does not shed much even once it has dried out. Some species of evergreen trees are large elegant trees and some are small bushy shrubs. Among the many choices of evergreen trees, the most commonly planted varieties are cypress, pine, fir, cedar, spruce, hemlock, juniper, thuja, eucalyptus, and magnolia. Fraser fir is a relatively small evergreen tree. These narrow columnar trees have dark dense soft foliage and are excellent for creating stunning large hedges. Evergreen trees work well for the following purposes: ... As an example, plant them 10 feet apart. Types of trees such as pines, firs, spruces, and cedars only lose their leaves gradually and they stay green all year long. Although they may not look like leaves, coniferous evergreen trees such as pine, spruce, cedars, and fir trees have leaves. Citrus trees were also introduced to North America by Spanish traders, and they are now an economically important plant in many states, such as Florida. Fir trees tend to have flat needles, unlike pines and spruces. They need moist soil that is well-draining and has a neutral pH. Real sentences showing how to use Evergreen trees correctly. The content of this field is kept private and will not be shown publicly. These can be extremely tall trees that can reach up to 250 feet in height, though most pine trees will get to mature heights of between 60 and 150 feet. These emerge green but become brown when mature. Also called the red pine, some species of Norway pine have drooping branches that give this evergreen tree a weeping look. The foliage of the cedar tree is needle-like and arranged in dense clusters that look like small spiked balls. The species is identified by sharp needle-like leaves and flattened scale-like leaves. The flowers are typically heavily scented. They will adapt to a variety of soil types, including clay soil or sandy soil. Blue spruces and white firs are examples of evergreens. Sometimes these have leaves that are smaller or adapted to resist the cold in some other way. Olive trees are widely cultivated in Mediterranean countries for their olives and the production of olive oil. They complement other trees in a landscaped garden with their glossy green foliage, pyramidal growth habit, and low maintenance. In the picture: Picea glauca ‘Conica’ Dwarf Alberta Spruce. Coniferous shrubs are also popular in landscaping and as decoration. The Eastern red cedar is also a species of ornamental evergreen juniper tree that is hardy and drought-resistant. Conifers such as cypress, pine, and fir trees are all evergreens, as are hollies, some oaks, eucalyptus, and rhododendrons, among others. The Hollywood Juniper is a spectacular landscape specimen tree with dark green-bluish foliage, twisting branches, and fast-growing nature. Their foliage remains attractive all year round, with narrow gray-green leaves that are silver-colored on the underside. Evergreen trees are perfect for planting as privacy screens and wind breaks. The needles vary in color between species, from blue-green to dark green and gray-green. Flowers are produced on these trees, usually in shades of creamy white, sometimes flushes with pink. Cultivars and Varieties: Norway Spruce-Picea abies, White Spruce-Picea glauca, Black Spruce-Picea mariana, Serbian Spruce-Picea omorika, Colorado Spruce-Picea pungens. These are slow-growing woody plants that have a bushy conical shape and dense, dark green foliage. Trees that only keep their foliage year-round in warmer climates are also referred to as Evergreen Trees since they're meant for specific growing zones. At our online tree nursery, you will find a wide variety of quality large and small evergreen trees available to buy online or direct. Needle leaves are short and only 0.4” (1 cm) long and the tree produces small dark blue or black berry-like cones. This Asian pine species is good for pruning to create beautiful decorative pine trees. They are also fast-growing and produce strong timber, which makes them ideal for commercial cultivation. However, evergreen trees do also lose their leaves like deciduous trees, but the difference is that they do it gradually throughout the year rather than all at once, so it is barely noticeable as the foliage is being continually renewed. In fact, pine trees are the most commercially significant species of trees for lumber production in the world. Many types of cypress trees have an attractive aroma that can range from spicy to citrus-scented. … Some species of evergreen trees are large elegant trees and some are small bushy shrubs. They are a long-lived and attractive tree that is popularly cultivated in parks and outdoor public spaces. There are also hundreds of Chinese juniper cultivars that are adapted to growing in a wide range of climates. Sugar maple. Mediterranean cypress trees are tall slender evergreens that add height, elegance, and beauty to any ornamental garden landscape. Olive trees are evergreen trees that are native to warm climates around the world, including Africa, Asia, and the Meditteranean region. Cypress trees are a genus of evergreen conifers that are native to a range of temperate climates around the world, including Asia, North America, and the Middle East. It is often possible to identify the difference between the different types of evergreens such as firs, pines, and spruces by their needles and cones. These trees include species such as pine, oak, holly, Eucalyptus, olive and several more. Before choosing an evergreen for your landscape, you should pay attention to growing zones and cold hardiness. Spruce trees are ideal for producing strong paper as they have long fibers. Conifers have leaves that are needle-like. An evergreen tree with medium sized leaves would be the American Holly tree. They produce oval-shaped cones that can measure up to five inches long. Their upturned branches, yellow-green long needles, and small cones make this an attractive species for a landscaped garden. The ‘Green Giant’ thuja is a low maintenance evergreen tree. These leaves range in color depending on species and will be either blue-green or dark, deep green. Some species of Arizona cypress have dull blue-green scaly needle-like leaves and others are gray-green on color. Olive trees have a beautiful architectural frame with long-reaching and twisting branches. There are around 50 different species of tree within the Fir genus, and these are broadly suitable for growing in USDA hardiness zones 3-8, with some variation between specific types, for example, the Balsam Fir is one of the hardiest types of fir trees, able to grow in zones 3-6, whereas the Spanish Fir prefers warmer temperatures and will grow in zones 6 and 7. The Arizona cypress is a beautiful evergreen tree with blue-gray foliage. Cottonwood tree in the fall. Some mature varieties look like skinny conifers with slightly drooping branches. Let’s look in more detail at some of the most popular types of evergreen trees for your garden or backyard. Male cones drop to the ground once their pollen is shed, whereas the female cones will persist on the tree for several years at a time. These trees primarily grow in the northern hemisphere and produce needle or scaly foliage and bear cones. The fir tree cones can be green, purple, or blue when young. Examples of great specimens for the landscape include: Autumn Blaze maple (Acer x freemanii Jeffersred) Red maple (Acer rubrum) Sugar maple (A cer saccharum) Evergreen trees have the capability of retaining their colorful foliage and needles all year long, including the winter, when most plants lose their leaves and die down. Olive trees are evergreen trees that are native to warm climates around the world, including Africa, Asia, and the Meditteranean region. With proper pruning, you can also use eastern white pines as a privacy hedge if you plant a few together. They are slow-growing trees that can eventually reach up to 50 feet tall though they are more commonly seen at between 20 and 30 feet in height. If you live in USDA hardiness zones 8-10, then you can grow your own olive tree in your yard, but even those in cooler climates can grow olive trees if they are grown in a container and then housed indoors over winter. They tend to have a mass of flat foliage at the top of the tree that looks like an umbrella. See more. There are many benefits to evergreen trees besides their consistent color. Colorado blue spruce trees grow up to 49 ft. (15 m) tall. Chinese Juniper includes many cultivars. Mediterranean cypress conifers have a slender pointed shape and grow up to 115 ft. (35 m) tall. Some examples of coniferous trees include cypresses, pines, cedars, firs, and redwoods. These hardy pine trees survive well in warm climates and can survive periods of drought. In fact, they may only grow to around 3 to 6 ft. (1 – 2 m) high and don’t reach the huge heights that some pines and firs grow to. Some species of cypress and conifer trees are fast-growing and are perfect for creating screening hedges or windbreaks. Norway spruce trees grow to between 115 and 180 ft. (35 – 55 m) tall. Many types of spruce trees, such as the Norway Spruce, are also widely cultivated to be used as Christmas trees. And there are many different types of evergreens, from tiny dwarf shrubs to massive trees. There are also some dwarf cultivars of fir trees that are great for growing in smaller gardens, with a height expectancy of between three and six feet, such as the ‘Archer’s Dwarf’ White Fir tree. Even in cold freezing conditions or hot arid climates, evergreen trees are always in varying shades of green. Cypress trees have scale-like foliage, which can vary between species from yellow-green in color to blue-green and deep green. Examples of evergreens with broad leaves (I'm a bit out of my depth here): live oak, palm tree. When most people think of evergreens, they think of pine trees, but the word evergreen means that the trees keep their leaves year-round. This is unusual for cone-producing trees and is one way in that to identify whether a tree is a fir tree or a different type of conifer. This ornamental tree grows well in most zones and enjoys plenty of sun. Examples of Hardwood Trees. Other interesting evergreen trees include cedar, thuga, and cypress. This species of thuja is excellent tree for creating tall privacy hedges or windbreaks. The Hollywood Juniper is a type of fast growing evergreen tree. Some citrus trees are able to grow up to 50 feet, but more commonly, they reach a mature height of between 20 and 30 feet. Cones are red that turn to brown as they mature. The wide-spreading nature of its foliage and crooked branches of the Japanese black pine gives this evergreen landscape tree an exotic oriental look. The Norway pine is a cold hardy evergreen tree. Evergreen trees are conifers, which means that cones grow on … The majority of tropical plants are evergreen. The fact that they produce delicious fruits that can be eaten raw or used in cooking is an added bonus. These cypress trees grow to between 65 and 82 ft. (20 – 25 m) and are identified by their flat soft scaly needles and small cones measuring 0.78” (2 cm). Most gum trees have glossy green leaves that droop at a downwards angle. They produce cones, with both male and female cones being present on the same tree. Panicles of flowers are produced in the middle of spring, with masses of creamy white small blooms. Some evergreen trees will flower, adding interest throughout the summer. Dwarf landscaping cultivars have a conical shape and their light-green soft needles give the tree a “fuzzy” appearance. However, many species of pine trees and spruce trees have soft needle leaves. This hardy fir tree grows as well in hot climates as it does in cooler ones. Examples of evergreens with golden foliage are: An evergreen tree with medium sized leaves would be the American Holly tree. This is because they continue to grow all year round and so can absorb nutrients through the soil throughout the year, as opposed to deciduous trees that become dormant when they lose their leaves. These cones are the largest and strongest of all types of conifer trees, making them very popular for crafting. Pinyon pines are hardy small evergreens that grow slowly. Citrus trees are very rewarding trees to grow, offering a lot of ornamental interest all year round. These are excellent additions to landscaped backyards to create privacy hedges, soft borders, or just as a decorative tree. Norway spruces are suitable for colder environments and they are popular Christmas trees. From all species of evergreen fir trees, the white fir tree is one of the popular landscaping choices due to its ornamental value. Cultivars and Varieties: Olea europaea 'Sativa', Olea europaea 'Frantoio', Olea europaea 'Manzanillo', Olea europaea 'Arbequina', Olea europaea 'Sevillano'. One of the most interesting features of gum trees is their bark. Other pine trees, such as the Italian Stone Pine, prefer milder climates and can be grown in zones 9-11. The Japanese Black Pine is an ornamental evergreen tree. Many gardeners choose ‘Green Giants’ in place of Leyland cypress as they are more resistant to disease. Cedar trees fare best in temperate climates, ideally around zone 7 or 8, though they can also be grown in zones 6 and 9. Gum trees are a selection of flowering trees that belong to the Eucalyptus family. Its roughly 1 1/2-inch-long needles are olive green but sometimes have a yellowish tone during winter. They produce cones that stand up on the tips of branches like candles. Fraser firs have a classic Christmas tree shape, grow to between 30 and 50 ft. (10 – 15 m), have soft dark green needle leaves, and 2.75” (7 cm) cones that grow erect on branches. Some examples are Norway Spruce, Hemlock, Douglas Fir, and White Pine. Types of trees such as pines, firs, spruces, and cedars only lose their leaves gradually and they stay green all year long. Pine trees are evergreen conifer trees in the ‘Pinus’ genus. Email The content of this field is kept private and will not be shown publicly. Norway spruces have a distinct pyramidal shape with soft green needles that have blunted tips. The white fir is a popular evergreen tree in many gardens. However, many people in cooler climates grow citrus trees in containers that are kept outside in the summer and moved indoors before the first frost arrives. Evergreen Coniferous Tree Leaves. Their cones can be oblong or spherical. These small pine trees have a wonderful pyramid shape and they grow to 20 ft. (6 m) tall. They’re great for creating privacy and shelter, and cope in a range of soil types and situations. As they become pollinated and age, they will develop a brown color. They are intolerant of cold and can become damaged even in light frosts. The Norway spruce is a fast growing cold hardy evergreen tree. They have green foliage that is needle-like when mature. Cultivars and Varieties: Monterey Cypress-Cupressus macrocarpa, Italian Cypress-Cupressus sempervirens, Moroccan Cypress-Cupressus atlantica, Vietnamese Cypress-Cupressus vietnamensis. 1 - A sweet new magnolia. Eastern white pines have bluish-green needles, slender light brown cones, and evenly spaced branches. The name ‘evergreen’ comes from the fact that these trees retain their foliage all year round and therefore appear to always be green. The Eastern Red Cedar is a slow growing hardy evergreen tree. The majority of gum trees are evergreen, though there are a few rare species that will lose their leaves each year. The trees can grow tall where they take on a slenderer, pointed shape. This cultivar grows in most zones apart from very cold climates. This has a narrow columnar nature, oblong cones, and is drought and heat tolerant. Large tan-colored scaly cones droop down from the branches. The Red Pine and the Dwarf Siberian Pine are two examples of hardy pine trees that are suitable for growing in USDA zones 2 and above. The Chinese juniper is a decorative evergreen shrubby tree that has needle-like leaves and also scale-leaves. The Scots pine tree is an attractive type of evergreen conifer for landscaping. They can be quite thirsty plants, so water them freely but ensure their soil is not soggy or waterlogged. These pines grow to 230 ft. (70 m) but dwarf varieties reach heights of between 3 and 5 ft. (0.9 – 1.5 m). Their foliage is attractively scented due to the presence of oil glands that contain essential oil. Cedar trees are large evergreen conifer trees that are native to mountainous regions of the Meditteranean and the Western Himalayas. The Cedar of Lebanon tends to prefer growing in cooler climates than the other cedar trees and is happiest at zone 6 temperatures. They should be watered deeply and regularly when young, though they gain tolerance of drought once established. These flowers will give way to fruits that mature over the space of several weeks or months. OK It is of huge commercial and agricultural importance in this region. Evergreen trees grow from small seedlings to giant sizes that are more than 30 m (100 feet) tall. See examples of Evergreen trees. – … These can be up to 0.4” (1 cm) and cover the brown woody branches. Also called the Alberta spruce, this fast-growing coniferous evergreen tree has a distinctly conical shape. Pinewood is commonly used to make furniture, cabinetry, roofing, and flooring. Douglas firs grow to between 70 and 260 ft. (20 – 80 m) tall. Evergreen trees are popular among gardeners as they don’t lose their leaves and therefore offer greenery and interest in the garden even during winter when deciduous trees have bare branches. These evergreen conifers have soft flat needle-like leaves. Cypress trees will withstand periods of drought when mature. This site uses cookies. It has soft dark green needles on branches that grow to form a conical evergreen. These trees are cultivated heavily for their ornamental value and are especially popular in Asia, where they line parks and outdoor public spaces. These are incredibly attractive trees, which are cultivated in warm climates around the world for their ornamental value. Most hardwood trees are deciduous trees, which lose their leaves annually, like elm or maple. Although there are types of broad-leafed trees that are evergreen, this article looks at types of conifers or needle evergreens. Most types of evergreen trees produce cones. Home / General Gardening / Types of Evergreen Trees That Will Leave You Wonder-struck. They are used to getting plenty of rainfall in winter and times of drought during summer, so they are accustomed to growing in both wet and dry soils.

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